Öffnungszeiten während Fumetto (05.–13.04.): Mo–So 10–20 Uhr, So, 13.04., 10–18 Uhr

Sharon Lockhart
Milena, Milena
Sharon Lockhart, Ausstellungsansicht Kunstmuseum Luzern
Sharon Lockhart, Ausstellungsansicht Kunstmuseum Luzern
Sharon Lockhart, Four Exercises in Eshkol-Wachman Movement Notation, 2011, 1-Kanal installation (HD video, Farbe/ohne Ton), 16’03 min, loop, video still © Sharon Lockhart, 2011, courtesy the artist, neugerriem-schneider, Berlin, Glad¬stone Gallery, New York and Brussels, and Blum & Poe, Los Angeles

Who is Milena? For the American artist Sharon Lockhart (b. 1964) she is a friend, but also an example of a young person asserting her identity. The remarkable friend­ship between Milena and Sharon Lockhart is the starting point of the exhibition at Kunstmuseum Luzern. Milena, Mi­le­na is the third stage in a narrative triptych that grows from Lockhart’s relationship with the Polish Teenager.

The artist’s interest in people and places that have been overlooked, in this case, focuses our attention on the transition from childhood to adolescence. In this and other projects, she becomes part of people’s everyday life to create complex portraits that involve her subjects in their own representation. For her installations Sharon Lockhart uses photographs and videos, as well as strategies and methods of the documentary and of anthropology and sociology.

curated by Adam Budak and Fanni Fetzer

in cooperation with CCA Ujazdowski Castle, Warschau, and Bonniers Konsthall, Stockholm

The exhibition is supported by Landis & Gyr Stiftung.

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