Hausschliessung: Das Kunstmuseum ist vom 17.02.–07.03. geschlossen. Das Café im Kunstmuseum ist bereits ab 05.03. wieder geöffnet.

Anita Zumbühl
Very few things consist of a single substance

In Cooperation with Kommission Bildende Kunst Stadt Luzern

What is nature? How do we perceive it? How do we appropriate it, shape it? Anita Zumbühl (*1975) examines the relationship between man, nature and culture in her works. For this she uses found objects such as crystals, branches or mosses, as well as materials for home use such as cotton wool, wool and fabric. Internal and external landscapes meet and enter into dialogue with one another. The artist takes man as a measure, physically and psychologically, tracking down emotions and addressing the theme of human longings and anxieties in performances — with the artist group Salon Liz for example.

Anita Zumbühl’s work is informed by intuition and a spirit of inquiry. This involves testing, discarding and re-combining. For her latest dye works she shifted her studio outdoors and included nature in the dyeing process — in the form of wind and weather.

The Kommission Bildende Kunst Stadt Luzern devoted volume 15 of the publication series “Junge Kunst der Stadt Luzern” to Anita Zumbühl.

Opening: Friday, 07.06., 6.30 pm

curated by Eveline Suter

supported by Swisslos Kulturförderung Nidwalden, Stiftung Casmir Eigensatz, Ernst und Olga Gubler-Hablützel, Walter Haefner Stiftung, Bildhauer Hans von Matt-Stiftung Stans, Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft Stadt Luzern, Gemeinnützige Stiftung Leonard von Matt Stans

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