Hausschliessung: Das Kunstmuseum ist vom 17.02.–07.03. geschlossen. Das Café im Kunstmuseum ist bereits ab 05.03. wieder geöffnet.

Bertrand Lavier
in Kooperation mit Fumetto – Int. Comix-Festival Luzern

Mickey and Minnie Mouse visit an exhibition of contemporary art – the Walt Disney comic dated 1977 is the starting point for the Walt Disney Productions by Bertrand Lavier (*1949). In 1984 he began to transfer the story, in which Mickey and Minnie also solve two murders, into images, sculptures and installations. Lavier thus takes fictional comic art, reminiscent of the abstract works of Hans Arp, out of the sphere of Pop culture and raises it to the status of high art. By bringing motifs from fantasy and from entertainment culture into museums and galleries, Bertrand Lavier plays humorously with the tension between high and low. The artist, who lives in France, focuses on and blurs the borders between the media, between reality and fiction, the two- and the three-dimensional. By dissolving traditional patterns Bertrand Lavier and Fumetto pursue the same goal: by bringing together high and popular culture they inspire visitors to think about traditional borderlines.

Opening 01.04., 11 am

curated by Jana Jakoubek

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