Hausschliessung: Das Kunstmuseum ist vom 17.02.–07.03. geschlossen. Das Café im Kunstmuseum ist bereits ab 05.03. wieder geöffnet.

Christoph Rütimann
Hängen am Museum


An exhibition focusing on two major performances by Christoph Rütimann Hanging around a Museum-don’t we all do that at some point or another? The Swiss multimedia artist Christoph Rütimann is no exception. He did it on December 14, 1994 around the old Museum of Art, Lucerne, and again on May 2nd around the new Musem of Art for exactly 60 minutes, during which time he made a full circle around the entire building, partially hanging off the edge of the roof. He carved the museum out of its enclave on the fourth floor of Jean Nouvel’s Culture and Congress Centre, placing it in the centre of the world and making it radiantly visible. In addition to its symbolic and ritual implications, this artistic action is characterised by a precise articulation of Jean Nouvel’s architecture and its urban context. Rütimann gives viewers the chance to see and experience the dimensions and proportions of this gentle colossus in Lucerne. The performance shall radiate throughout the city, throughout Switzerland, it shall radiate throughout Europe, radiateIn a spatially orientated installation Rütimann exhibits material, documents and videos pertinent to the performances.

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