Öffnungszeiten während Fumetto (05.–13.04.): Mo–So 10–20 Uhr, So, 13.04., 10–18 Uhr

Das Atelier
Orte der Produktion

with by Balthasar Burkhard/Markus Raetz, Ana Mendieta, Heidi Bucher, Hannah Villiger, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Jeff Wall, Rémy Markowitsch, Stefan Banz, Urs Lüthi, Judith Albert, Roland Roos, Rolf Winnewisser, Stefan Gritsch And Michael Beutler, as well as a Studio from Félix Vallotton

The studio is the magical place where materials are turned into artworks. As the art changes, so do the places where art is produced. Taking works from the collection as its starting point, the exhibition provides a glimpse into contemporary art production.Today’s artists do not urgently need a closed-off cell to which only privileged people have access. Art can be produced anywhere. The extension of the concept of art from the 1970s onwards goes hand in hand with a widening of the range of places where artists produce their works. Alongside works from recent contemporary art as well as an installation by the German artist Michael Beutler produced specially for the exhibition, the show brings together – almost as an ‘insert’ and a historical starting point – paintings by a classic studio artist: Félix Vallotton’s studio was an actual prop room with objects that repeatedly make an appearance as accessories in his interiors and still lifes.

curated by Christoph Lichtin

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