Öffnungszeiten während Fumetto (05.–13.04.): Mo–So 10–20 Uhr, So, 13.04., 10–18 Uhr



For Frauke Dannert (*1979) buildings are both the starting point and the theme of her work. She dissects architecture, examining it as to its sculptural potential, pointedly heightening particular features or else reading them against the grain, so to speak. From her collection of found and own images, she has selected oriel windows, towers, bands of windows or whole facades, multiplied them using a photocopier, altered the scale and shapes of the building material thus gained and produced futuristic hovering structures. Some of these seem to proliferate, others to grow like crystals out of identical elements or else to twirl dynamically on their axis. Frauke Dannert’s creations oscillate between the organic and the architectonic, illusion and reality, opening up a space of association like cloud formations in which it is possible to discover ever new forms. She continues these optical illusions in her installations: with projections and colourful carpets the artist overlays the existing architecture and alienates spaces and the experience of space.

Opening: 09.12., 6.30 pm

curated by Eveline Suter

in cooperation with Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf

The exhibition is supported by Ministerium für Familie, Kinder, Jugend, Kultur und Sport des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen and Kunststiftung NRW.

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