Öffnungszeiten während Fumetto (05.–13.04.): Mo–So 10–20 Uhr, So, 13.04., 10–18 Uhr

Jahresausstellung Zentralschweizer Kunstschaffen 2017


With Marie-Theres Amici, Patrick Blank & Mischa Christen, Gabriela Brugger, Hansjürg Buchmeier, Max Bühlmann, Chalet 5, Monika Dillier, Doğan Firuzbay, Jeroen Geel, Marcel Glanzmann, Livia Salome Gnos, Ray Hegelbach, Dimitri Horta, Barbara Jäggi, Markus Kummer, Simon Ledergerber, Marie-Cathérine Lienert, Sara Masüger, Monika Müller, Johanna Näf, Guido Nussbaum, Andi Rieser, Lorenz Schmid, Henri Spaeti, Andri Stadler, Sereina Steinemann, Peter Stobbe, Verena Vanoli, Irène Wydler

Good art? You only find that in the bustling metropolises! This wide-spread prejudice is contradicted with a pleasing regularity by the annual exhibition of work by artists from Central Switzerland.

In addition to regular solo exhibitions of works by artists from Central Switzerland, the Kunstmuseum Luzern opens its doors once a year for all representatives of regional artistic work. In 2017 too, artists from the cantons in Central Switzerland (Luzern, Nidwalden, Obwalden, Schwyz, Uri, Zug) can apply to take part. A jury of three will select the works for the exhibition from the submitted portfolios. The result will be a varied show with works from all art genres.

In addition to the donation of the jury prize of the Central Swiss cantons at the vernissage, tradition has it that the prize of the Kunstgesellschaft is also given. The winner of that prize will have the cabinet exhibition at the Kunstmuseum Luzern the following year.

Opening: 08.12., 7.30 p.m.

curated by Heinz Stahlhut

Videoprojection at the box of the Luzerner Theater: Daria Blum, Renata Bünter, Rolf Flüeler, Barbara Gwerder, Christoffer Joergensen, Martina Lussi, Cécile Stadelmann, Claudia Vogel

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