Öffnungszeiten während Fumetto (05.–13.04.): Mo–So 10–20 Uhr, So, 13.04., 10–18 Uhr

Jahresausstellung Zentralschweizer Kunstschaffen 2019


With Fritz Balthaus, Pascale Birchler, Samuli Blatter, Patricia Bucher, Barbara Davi, Rolf Flüeler, Sara Gassmann, Anne Guttormsen Fraser, Angela Hausheer, Christian Herter, Moritz Hossli, Fabienne Immoos, Simon Kindle, Sonja Kretz, Maude Léonard-Contant, Judith Leupi, Lipp & Leuthold, Rochus Lussi, Sara Masüger, Barbara Mühlefluh, Camillo Paravicini, Rahel Scheurer, Lorenz Olivier Schmid, Andri Stadler, Sereina Steinemann, Pat Treyer, Maria Zgraggen, Dominik Zietlow

Artists from Central Switzerland played a major role in the foundation of the Kunstgesellschaft 200 years ago. Together with culturally-interested citizens that society aimed to compile a picture archive and to create exhibition possibilities for the artists themselves. The Kunstmuseum Luzern would like to continue offering artists this possibility. This annual exhibition of Central Swiss art presents contemporary works from the region. After all, even in a globalized and networked world, where we come from and what is happening around us are still of vital importance.

The Jahresausstellung is a platform with a particular lustre and tradition, a regional cosmos with national and international branches, as well as a pool of talent. At the vernissage, not only is the jury prize / prize of the Central Swiss Cantons awarded, but also the exhibition prize of the Kunstgesellschaft. The following year, the winner of that prize installs the Kabinett exhibition at the Kunstmuseum Luzern.

Opening: Friday, 06.12., 6.30 pm

curated by Alexandra Blättler

Alexandra Blättler, Collection curator Kunstmuseum Luzern
Julia Bodamer, Artist, Zürich
Daniel Morgenthaler, Curator Helmhaus, Zürich
Isabelle Roth, President Kulturförderungskommission Kanton Luzern
Lorenz Wiederkehr, Scientific assistant Kunstmuseum St. Gallen

Jury Prize / Prize of the Central Swiss Cantons
Sara Gassmann

Exhibition Prize of the Kunstgesellschaft (Cabinett exhibition)
Maude Léonard-Contant

supported by the Central Swiss cantons Luzern, Nidwalden, Obwalden, Schwyz, Uri, Zug

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