Hausschliessung: Das Kunstmuseum ist vom 17.02.–07.03. geschlossen. Das Café im Kunstmuseum ist bereits ab 05.03. wieder geöffnet.

Jahresausstellung Zentralschweizer Kunstschaffen 2014


with Donato Amstutz, Luigi Archetti, Stefan auf der Maur, Graziella Berger, Jeremias Bucher, Renata Bünter, Barbara Davi, Raphael Egli, Tatjana Erpen, Monika Feucht, Sara Gassmann, Stefan Gritsch, Christian Herter, Monika Kiss Horvath, Irma Ineichen, Silvia Isenschmid, Georg Keller, Claudia Kübler, Otto Lehmann, Judith Leupi, Lipp & Leuthold, Christof Lötscher, Martina Lussi, Karin Lustenberger, Sara Masüger, Lina Müller, Michael Noser, René Odermatt, Christina Peretti, Camillo Paravicini, Luca Schenardi, Andri Stadler, Sereina Steinemann, Rebecca & Ruth Stofer, Andrea Suter, Mireille Tscholitsch, Cecile Weibel, Rolf Winnewisser,  Angela Wüst

Places are important. Where we come from, where we’re going, where we live and work is never a trivial matter even in a globalised world. So every year, in an adjudicated exhibition, the Kunstmuseum Luzern presents artists with a connection to the region. The annual exhibition of Central Swiss artists offers the visitors an insight into the diversity of artistic work in their immediate surroundings, and gives artists the opportunity to present their work prominently to a wide audience. Regardless of its programmatically local roots, the annual exhibition mobilises a public beyond regional boundaries. Every year in the cabinet exhibition, an artist from the region is able to give the public a rather bigger glimpse of his or her own work. This is often a younger artist’s first solo exhibition, or the chance for a supposedly familiar work by a well known artist to be discovered from a new perspective.

curated by Brigit Kämpfen-Klapproth

The exhibition is supported by the cantons Luzern, Nidwalden, Obwalden, Schwyz, Uri, Zug and Luzerner Kantonalbank.

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