Hausschliessung: Das Kunstmuseum ist vom 17.02.–07.03. geschlossen. Das Café im Kunstmuseum ist bereits ab 05.03. wieder geöffnet.

Jorge Macchi

For his first institutional solo exhibition in Switzerland, Jorge Macchi (*1963) is creating in situ spatial installations. This allows the Argentinean artist to respond sensitively to the existing exhibition architecture. The artist treats the exhibition spaces almost like containers or portakabins, which are supposedly interchangeable but can be filled with very different objects. A varied production of light, sound, projections, installations and murals awaits the public in the exhibition. Jorge Macchi’s poetic and melancholic work creates ambivalent atmospheres, at once attractive and unsettling. The artist is particularly interested in phenomena of perception, he enquires into time and transience, into stasis, balance and eternity. Jorge Macchi has the strange gift of asking the same question in different aggregate conditions. His virtuosity is not restricted to the choice of his media, but expressed in the application of different media to the same range of subjects. Like his delicate watercolour sketches, Jorge Macchi’s spatial transpositions also astonishingly convey the forlornness of mankind, transience and time, big questions and profound melancholy.

curated by Fanni Fetzer

The exhibition is supported by artEDU Stiftung and IMBOVI (Suisse) GmbH.

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