Hausschliessung: Das Kunstmuseum ist vom 17.02.–07.03. geschlossen. Das Café im Kunstmuseum ist bereits ab 05.03. wieder geöffnet.

Jeremias Bucher
Trakt A


Jeremias Bucher (b. 1984) often takes as the subject of his work objects that are barely noticed in everyday life, because they are taken for granted or simply unspectacular. These might be spatial circumstances, architectural details or elements typical of an exhibition. For the cabinet exhibition entitled TRAKT A he has engaged with the exhibition architecture, captioning and visitor orientation in Kunstmuseum Luzern. He created a special exhibition text that shows the way into the Kunstmuseum and through the exhibition. Werkschild (‘The Sign’) is both a caption and a work in its own right, and in the imagination Tür (‘The Door’) leads into rooms beyond the façade of the Kunstmuseum. In this way, with several subtle interventions and a pinch of humour Jeremias Bucher sharpens our perception of our environment, its design and the intentions behind it.

curated by Eveline Suter

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