Hausschliessung: Das Kunstmuseum ist vom 17.02.–07.03. geschlossen. Das Café im Kunstmuseum ist bereits ab 05.03. wieder geöffnet.

I Licked the Yellow Suit of the Sun
In Cooperation With Kommission Bildende Kunst Stadt Luzern

The paintings of Lipp&Leuthold (Paul Lipp and Reto Leuthold, both *1977) are born of a continuous dialogue. In their joint work on a painting, the artists interchange painterly drafts which in further stages are complemented, deleted, painted over and altered until a composition emerges and establishes itself. They use different techniques and pictorial idioms, allowing their works to be defined by the paint application, the traces of different tools or the process of form finding. Lipp&Leuthold also humorously integrate the banal, the nonsensical and clichés from everyday culture into their art. Using this mode of practice they pursue issues to do with authorship as well as the possibilities and conditions of joint picture production. For the exhibition at the Kunstmuseum Luzern they have created new works in which they interlace printing techniques and painting so as to fathom the potential of that combination.

The Kommission Bildende Kunst Stadt Luzern devoted volume 17 of the publication series Junge Kunst der Stadt Luzern to Lipp&Leuthold.

curated by Laura Breitschmid

supported by Stadt Luzern, Casimir Eigensatz Stiftung, RKK Regionalkonferenz Kultur

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