Hausschliessung: Das Kunstmuseum ist vom 17.02.–07.03. geschlossen. Das Café im Kunstmuseum ist bereits ab 05.03. wieder geöffnet.

Mahtola Wittmer
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Manor Kunstpreis Zentralschweiz Luzern

Mahtola Wittmer, aus der Serie Kopf an Kopf, 2024, Acrylspray und Gouache auf Papier, 42 × 29.7 cm, Courtesy of the artist
Mahtola Wittmer. Back to Back, Ausstellungsansicht Kunstmuseum Luzern, 2024, Courtesy of the artist, Foto Marc Latzel
Mahtola Wittmer. Back to Back, Ausstellungsansicht Kunstmuseum Luzern, 2024, Courtesy of the artist, Foto Marc Latzel
Mahtola Wittmer, aus der Serie Kopf an Kopf, 2024, Gelliprint und Gouache auf Papier, 42 × 29.7 cm, Courtesy of the artist

Interaction is the main focus of the work of Mahtola Wittmer (*1993), interaction between You and I, but also between I and my surroundings. What happens when people encounter one another? What happens when bodies come up against architecture? In her performances, the artist finds incisive images for aspects of human relationships, for closeness, tension, support, repulsion and attraction. The means and settings she uses are simple, the process often playful and buoyed by humour. For example, Mahtola Wittmer distributes magnetic rings among the audience, hangs herself up in her coat in the cloakroom, or stitches up the arms of a pullover so as to visualise emotions. Moreover, her performances are always conceived pictorially and transposed into photographs, videos and sculptures. Mahtola Wittmer weaves feminist themes into her works.

Mahtola Wittmer receives the 2024 Manor Art Prize Central Switzerland Lucerne. This important Swiss promotional prize combines an exhibition at the Kunstmuseum Luzern with a publication.

Opening Day
Saturday, 30.11., from 11 am

curated by Eveline Suter

supported by Manor, Casimir Eigensatz Stiftung, Hulda und Gustav Zumsteg-Stiftung, SoKultur, Swisslos-Fonds, Kanton Solothurn, Däster-Schild Stiftung, Gemeinde Adligenswil, LuzernPlus, Sunflex-Sport

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