Hausschliessung: Das Kunstmuseum ist vom 17.02.–07.03. geschlossen. Das Café im Kunstmuseum ist bereits ab 05.03. wieder geöffnet.

Simon Ledergerber
Die Schule von Athen


In 2017 the exhibition prize of the Kunstgesellschaft Luzern went to Simon Ledergerber for his piece Still in Eile versunken. That floor sculpture was generated during a performative action in which a huge block of stone left a drag mark on oxidised steel plates. An important theme in Simon Ledergerber’s work is not only human force, but also the force of nature and of materials. He works with or against the properties of his chosen materials or allows them make their own impact. Therefore the materiality, surface features and colour of his natural or industrial materials play a major role in his work. Die Schule von Athen (The School of Athens), his new work for the Cabinet Exhibition, also emerges in the course of a performance during which he directly manipulates the walls of the exhibition space.

Opening: Friday, 16.11., 6.30 pm

curated by Laura Breitschmid

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