Hausschliessung: Das Kunstmuseum ist vom 17.02.–07.03. geschlossen. Das Café im Kunstmuseum ist bereits ab 05.03. wieder geöffnet.

Performancepreis Schweiz

All art aims to touch, to cause vibrations, to move. If in one of the exhibition rooms we immerse ourselves in the colour layers of a painting or the details of a drawing, we are encountering the work. By contrast, during a performance the work itself confronts us. The performance, be it loud or quiet, shrill or reserved, demands our presence, embroils us in a unique event, lets us participate. The artist or performer is a vis-à-vis, an opposite, confronting themselves and us with their physicality, irritating us perhaps, fascinating us, and inspiring us to alter our perspective.

The Swiss Performance Art Award promotes a lively and multifaceted performance scene: the national competition takes place annually in a different city and offers a platform for a wider audience. Over the course of two days the performances on offer are judged by a jury of experts who then award the Performance Award. In 2022 the Kunstmuseum Luzern is the venue and the framework programme is varied. Lucerne will thus be the focal point of the Swiss performance scene for a whole weekend.

Collectif les Heureuses, Claudia Grimm, Johanna Kotlaris, Milda Lembertaitė & Amelia Prazak, Natalie Portman, Francesca Sproccati, Latefa Wiersch

Scene Central Switzerland
Purchase Kommission Bildende Kunst Stadt Luzern: Judith Huber, Simon Kindle, Martina Lussi

Performances by Claudia Bucher, HSLU Design & Kunst, Lotta Gadola & Mahtola Wittmer & Maura Wittmer, Beatrice Im Obersteg, Kunsthalle luzern, Jérôme Leuba, Urban Mäder & Forum Neue Musik Luzern, Migma Performance

The Swiss Performance Art Award is a promotion partnership between the cantons Aargau, Basel-Landschaft, Basel-Stadt, Luzern, St. Gallen, Zürich and the City of Geneva.

Invitation carte with program
Booklet Swiss Performance Art Award

Marcel Bleuler, Leiter Institute of Contemporary Art Research, ZHdK, Zürich
Stefanie Knobel, Künstlerin und Choreografin, Zürich
Nicolas Raufaste, Kurator, CAN Centre d’art Neuchâtel
Davide-Christelle Sanvee, Künstlerin, Genf
Eveline Suter, Projektverantwortliche Kunstmuseum Luzern

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