Öffnungszeiten während Fumetto (05.–13.04.): Mo–So 10–20 Uhr, So, 13.04., 10–18 Uhr

Top of Central Switzerland
Zeitgenössische Kunst aus der Zentralschweiz


with Albert Judith, Bachmann Caroline/Banz Stefan, Baselgia Guido, Bissig Nathalie, Blättler Rudolf, Brefin Daniel, Bucher Patricia, Dias Mauricio/Riedweg Walter, Dillier Monika, Döbeli Markus, Egloff Anton, Estermann Robert, Fähndrich Walter, Fries Pia, Galić Goran/Gredig Gian-Reto, Gritsch Stefan, Günther Monika/Schill Ruedi, Ineichen Irma, Kathriner Christian, Kistler Hans-Peter, Lichtsteiner Alois, Lüthi Urs, Markowitsch Rémy, Marusic Tatjana, Naegelin Barbara, Nager Bessie, Nedeljkovic Sladjan, Nova Nils, Odermatt Josef Maria, Odermatt Alexander, Regli Peter, Rohner Patrick, Rondinone Ugo, Rütimann Christoph, Sandoz Claude, Schnider Albrecht, Schwander Markus, Sperini Loredana, Spielhofer Hildegard, Steiner Gerda/Lenzlinger Jürg, Stobbe Peter, Strba Annelies, Streuli Beat, Vittali Peter, Wanner Franz, Winnewisser Rolf, Wyrsch Charles, Zanni Margot, Zurfluh Christina, Zwimpfer Eva

In December 2007, in a variation on the model of the traditional annual exhibition the Museum of Art Lucerne is holding a curated survey exhibition of the Central Swiss artistic landscape. This ambitious exhibition seeks to show representative and current works by artists who either come from Central Switzerland, or who work in this geographical space, or who are connected with it and who have, in the jury’s view, over a period of about ten years, demonstrated a defining and outstanding artistic achievement and/or appear likely to do so. After a complex jury process, 51 artists will be selected, for an exhibition that will justify the attribute ‘top’ mentioned in its title, not only because of its artistic potential, but also because of the concept behind it.

Exhibition and publication are supported by Kulturförderungsgremien der Kantone Luzern, Nidwalden, Obwalden, Schwyz, Uri, Zug, Stadt Zug, Zuger Kulturstiftung Landis & Gyr/Siemens Building Technologies; Avina Stiftung; Josef Müller Stiftung Muri; Schindler Kulturstiftung; Luzerner Kantonalbank, Anliker AG Emmenbrücke; APG Luzern; Banco del Gottardo; Büro für Bauökonomie Luzern; Gübelin AG Luzern; Moser, Grebler, Grüter & Tüfer TGS Architekten Luzern; Dr. iur. Kurt Müller; Opes Treuhand AG Luzern; Dr. iur. Jürg Purtschert; Tecton Holding AG Luzern.

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