Action! And Cut!
Wakaliga, Plakat zu Rolex Time, Regie Nabwana I. G. G., 2025, Foto: Ssempala Sulaiman
Wakaliwood versus the rest of the world. No one escapes Wakaliwood (2016, fortlaufend)
Ausstellungsansicht Kunstmuseum Luzern, 2025, Foto: Marc Latzel
Ausstellungsansicht Kunstmuseum Luzern, 2025, Foto: Marc Latzel
Ausstellungsansicht Kunstmuseum Luzern, 2025, Foto: Marc Latzel
Filmproduktion in Wakaliga im Juni 2024, Courtesy of the artists, Foto: Ssempala Sulaiman
Wakaliga, Wakaliwood Ramon Film Productions, 2024, Courtesy of the artists
Filmproduktion in Wakaliga im Juni 2024, Courtesy of the artists
Plakat zum Film Who Killed Captain Alex?
Filmproduktion in Wakaliga im Juni 2024, Courtesy of the artists

The Wakaliga Film Studio Uganda produces great action films on very low budgets. Brim-full of kung-fu fights, wild shoot-outs, bloody moments, mighty explosions and amusing special effects, the films provide marvellous entertainment. They also speak, en passant, of social problems and criminal intrigues, corruption, blackmail and street children. The films have gained a cult status among genre fans worldwide; since documenta 15 in Kassel, they now also mean something to art audiences.

The cast is made up of family members, friends and neighbours. They all sit together in a courtyard under a shady roof, where Isaac Nabwana, founder and director of Wakaliga, explains his film concept. Together, the well-practised team decides how tasks and roles are to be distributed. Like in the very early days in Hollywood, shooting the films is spontaneous. The hand-made cardboard sets shatter the illusion and thwart any suspicion of realism. Their own plots of land or places in the neighbourhood serve as settings. If necessary, other helping hands, extras and knowhow are obtained from the Wakaliga district nearby.

Friday, 07.03., from 6 pm

curated by Eveline Suter

supported by SüdKulturFonds

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