Öffnungszeiten während Fumetto (05.–13.04.): Mo–So 10–20 Uhr, So, 13.04., 10–18 Uhr



With Olivia Abächerli, Kathrin Affentranger, Helen Bösch, Andreas Brunner, Jeremias Bucher, Renata Bünter, Jonas Burkhalter, Martin Chramosta, Davix, Tatjana Erpen, Lotta Gadola, Stefan Gritsch, Johanna Gschwend & Moritz Hossli, Elisabetha Günthardt, Stephanie Hess, Otto Lehmann, Paul Lussi, Camillo Paravicini, Giacomo Santiago Rogado, Christoph Rütimann, Diana Seeholzer, Rebekka Steiger, Pat Treyer, Ariane Vonmoos, Guido Vorburger, Anna Wiget, Rolf Winnewisser, Mahtola Wittmer

Why be regional or cantonal when you can be central! The Jahresausstellung Zentralschweizer Kunstschaffen is therefore being given a makeover: As of 2020 it will be called zentral!. As until now zentral will present current works from the region in the region, selected by a supra-regional jury. Then in a globalised and networked world, where we come from and what is happening around us is also of central importance.

Zentral! is a platform with charisma and tradition, a regional cosmos full of national and international branches. What is more, it is a talent pool. During the vernissage, the exhibition prize of the Kunstgesellschaft will also be presented, along with the jury prize / Preis der Zentralschweizer Kantone. The following year the winner of the Kunstgesellschaft prize will mount the Kabinett Exhibition at the Kunstmuseum Luzern.

Price of the Cantons of Central Switzerland 2020
Davix (Stefan Davi)
(*1966 in Lucerne, where he lives and works)

Exhibition Price of the Kunstgesellschaft Luzern 2020
Mahtola Widmer
(*1993 in Lucerne, lives and works in Adligenswil and Lucerne)

Opening Day: Saturday, 05.12., 11 am–6 pm

curated by Alexandra Blättler

Alexandra Blättler, Collection Curator Kunstmuseum Luzern
Linda Jensen, Curator Last Tango
Patrizia Keller, Curator Nidwaldner Museum
Nils Nova, Artist
Patrick Rohner, Artist

supported by the Central Swiss cantons Luzern, Nidwalden, Obwalden, Schwyz, Uri, Zug

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