Öffnungszeiten während Fumetto (05.–13.04.): Mo–So 10–20 Uhr, So, 13.04., 10–18 Uhr

ROBERT ZÜND (1827–1909)

The works of Robert Zünd (1827–1909), also called the Master of the Beech Leaf in Central Switzerland, are not simply being shown in all their beauty. We, today’s visitors to the Kunstmuseum, are to be enticed by his precision to look more closely. For this purpose, Zünd’s paintings are being brought face to face with the photographs by Tobias Madörin (*1965). Thanks to the titles or the landscapes depicted, the location of the artist in many of Zünd’s works is known (even though he only did sketches outdoors and painted the pictures subsequently in his studio). Tobias Mandörin has been outdoors since spring 2016 capturing the same views as once Robert Zünd, but in his case with an analogue large format camera. Due to the slowness of the procedure and the wealth of detail achieved in working with a large format camera, Madörin’s photographs have an intensity comparable to that of Zünd’s paintings in terms of the precision of the gaze. Observation, the gaze, in brief, picture competence is the real theme of this exhibition of works by Robert Zünd and Tobian Madörin.

Opening 07.07., 6.30 p.m.

curated by Fanni Fetzer 

The exhibition is supported by JTI, Landis & Gyr Stiftung, Carawero AG, Studio Arte Flückiger AG and Tricolor.

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