Hausschliessung: Das Kunstmuseum ist vom 17.02.–07.03. geschlossen. Das Café im Kunstmuseum ist bereits ab 05.03. wieder geöffnet.


Every year the Kunstmuseum Luzern presents new aspects of its collection under supposedly simple thematic headings such as Portrait, Landscape or Animals, and close links between these and our everyday life facilitate exciting questions.

The largest part of the collection is made up of Swiss art. This includes paintings from the Baroque Era by Kaspar Meglinger or Franz Ludwig Raufft or an extensive portrait series by 18th century artists such as Johann Melchior Wyrsch, Felix Maria Diogg, Anton Graff and Josef Reinhard. Swiss painting of the 19th century is a particular focal point, especially the landscape painting, for example, of Alexandre Calame and Robert Zünd. Groups of works by Ferdinand Hodler, Hans Emmenegger and Felix Vallotton are among the highlights of the early 20th century. In 1937 a donation made by Dr. Walter und Alice Minnich brought important paintings by Vlaminck, Soutine and Pechstein into the holdings of the Kunstmuseum. The 1970s are represented by internationally active artists from Central Switzerland like Andre Thomkins, Urs Lüthi, Aldo Walker and Remy Markowitsch, and internationally famous artists like Paul Thek, Michael Buthe, Ana Mendieta and Giuseppe Penone. The collection of the Kunstmuseum Luzern reflects the exhibition activity of the museum: as international and contemporary in orientation. The collection is being continually expanded in this sense with works, for example, by Jeff Wall, Sharon Lockhart or the Turner Prize winner Laure Prouvost.

Since 1933 the foundation BEST Art Collection Luzern has been enabling the acquisition of key works. Partnerships exist with the Gottfried Keller Foundation, the Federal Office of Culture as well as with other Cantons, Foundations and private persons.

The collection holdings are secured from a material and conservational viewpoint with due respect for international museum standards (ICOM International Council of Museum).

Collection Focal Points

The collecting activities of the museum are oriented around the Kunstmuseum’s past and present, the as well as its location in Luzern. This gives rise to four collection areas:

  1. Historical works with links to Central Switzerland
  2. Art of the 1970s
  3. Contemporary works by artists from Central Switzerland who are of national and international importance. The Kunstmuseum Luzern thus aims to contribute to the identity of its location.
  4. Evidence its own exhibiting activities; acquisitions documenting artistic positions relevant to our times.



Collection Curator
Alexandra Blättler, +41 41 226 78 93 (Tue-Thu)

Collection Commission

Alexandra Blättler, Kunstmuseum Luzern
Judith Albert, Kunstgesellschaft Luzern
Anne Schwöbel, Stiftung BEST Art Collection Luzern
Fanni Fetzer, Kunstmuseum Luzern
Beat Lütolf, Kunstgesellschaft Luzern

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