Provenence Research Kunstmuseum Luzern

Provenence Research Kunstmuseum Luzern
The Kunstmuseum Luzern, with the support of the Bundesamt für Kultur (BAK, Federal Culture Agency), have examined the first works with regard to their provenance and published the results. Many questions remain unresolved, however, and not all archives were accessible. The Kunstmuseum Luzern has now intensified its continuous examination of works that entered the museum between 1933 and 1945 and during the post-war period and has establish ed this among its permanent tasks. The collection exhibition Woher kommst du? Wie Kunst in die Sammlung gelangt presents some initial findings and open questions.
Canton Luzern and the City of Luzern support the further development of provenance research and assume part of the costs. They regard the reappraisal of the past as a central and continuous task and have incorporated this into the service agreement.
Recommendatory Commission Provenance Research
The Recommendatory Commission Provenance Research will proactively accompany the Kunstmuseum Luzern in its investigative research. The convocation of a commission for a museum of this size serves as a model for the whole of Switzerland. The members are from the fields of science, culture and law and are characterised by a sensitivity for Jewish culture and in-depth knowledge of the history of the persecution and emigration of the Jews during the Nazi period.
Members of the Commission
Dr. Reto Schiltknecht, Lawyer, Luzern, President
Dr. Roman Bucheli, Journalist, Zürich
Muriel Gerstner, Scene-Painter, Riehen
Andrea Meule, Lawyer, Luzern, represents Stiftung BEST Art Collection Luzern
Simone-Tamara Nold, Art Historian, Zürich
Karin Seiz, Art Historian, Luzern, represents Kunstgesellschaft Luzern
Prof. Dr. Tobias Straumann, Historian, Zürich
Commisson: Sonja Fuchs, +41 41 226 78 20
Provenance Research: Alexandra Blättler, +41 41 226 78 93