The Kunstmuseum Luzern is one of the most important art museums in Switzerland. Focussed on current issues, open to the general public, barrier-free and inclusive, it promotes diversity and exchange. The Kunstmuseum Luzern cultivates partnerships in Lucerne as well as throughout Europe when organising its about ten exhibitions each year. A varied programme is ensured by means of ambitious temporary exhibitions with an international flair, a judicious presentation of the collection, and first solo exhibitions of works by young artists. It is possible to see three exhibitions in parallel at the museum, which means that different audiences are addressed simultaneously and discoveries facilitated. The thematic range is reflected in the diversity of the events and educational programmes. The comprehensive, stimulating and equally enjoyable offer of the educational team also reflects this wealth of topics.
The Kunstgesellschaft Luzern (Lucerne Art Society) is the umbrella organisation for the Kunstmuseum Luzern and has about 2,500 members. Since it was founded more than 200 years ago, the Kunstgesellschaft has contributed to cultural diversity in Central Switzerland and presented exciting exhibitions. As a result, the Kunstmuseum Luzern is in a position to take current events into account and pursue its commitment to the avant-garde. The Kunstmuseum Luzern has always liked to keep up-to-date: In 1935, for example, the exhibition These, Antithese und Synthese, with works by Kandinsky, Miró, Picasso and many others, brought together the Who’s Who of the art scene at the time. In the 1970s, Jean-Christophe Ammann brought the young art scene, performance art and happenings to Lucerne, and in the 1990s, works by Jeff Wall, Andy Warhol and Cindy Sherman were shown. The current director, Fanni Fetzer, continues to cultivate this open-minded and innovative spirit.
Statement against discrimination and for inclusion
The Kunstmuseum Luzern is a place where people with different biographies, interests and beliefs like to come together. Collectively, we want to encourage a culture of respect and create an atmosphere of acceptance. We consider diversity as valuable in every respect and want to ensure everyone can enjoy their museum visit. The Kunstmuseum Luzern is in an ongoing institutional learning process in which we consciously address issues of discrimination and take suggestions and criticism seriously. We reflect on mechanisms of exclusion and actively work against discrimination.
Programme Commission
Alexandra Blättler, Kunstmuseum Luzern
Mauritius Carlen, ArtClub Luzern
Fanni Fetzer, Kunstmuseum Luzern
Hubert Hofmann, Stiftung BEST Art Collection Luzern
Karin Seiz, Kunstgesellschaft Luzern
Fanni Fetzer
Eveline Suter, +41 41 226 78 13 (Tue-Thu)
Exhibition Management
Susanne Gerber, +41 41 226 78 22 (Mon-Fri)
Research Associate
Eleonora Bitterli, +41 41 226 78 17 (Mon/Wed)
Milena von Schulthess, +41 41 226 78 16 (Mon-Thu)
Caroline Glock, + 41 41 226 78 26 (Mon-Thu)
Hannah-Maria Winters, +41 41 226 78 27 (Tue/Wed/Fri)
Collection Curator
Alexandra Blättler, +41 41 226 78 93 (Tue-Thu)
Research Associate
Eleonora Bitterli, +41 41 226 78 17 (Mon/Wed)
Johanna Elebe, +41 41 226 78 83 (Tue-Thu)
Head of Administration / Member of the Executive Board
Gabriele Froning
Daniel Müller, +41 41 226 78 48 (Tue-Thu)
Lisa Linsig, +41 41 226 78 11 (Thu/Fri)
Events and Partnerships
Sonja Fuchs, +41 41 226 78 12 (Tue/Fri)
Art Education
Head of Art Education
Hannah Horst, +41 41 226 78 18 (Mon-Thu)
Art Educator
Domenika Chandra, +41 41 226 78 47 (Wed-Fri)
Ursula Helg, +41 41 226 78 46 (Thu/Fri)
Evita Verbrugge, +41 41 226 78 45 (Tue-Fri)
Museum Services
Head of Museum Services
Lara Ens, +41 41 226 78 00
Front Desk
Doris Karavidic, Dania Schellenberg, Katharina Schulik, Yvonne Zorzi
Lara Ens, +41 41 226 78 00
Museum Services
Ursula Ambauen, Gabi Andres, Suttipong Aramkun, Lisa Blaser, Dominik Busch, Karin Eigenmann, Lucia Ferrari Piazza, Sandra Harmath-Cerutti, Ivana Janackovic, Elisabeth Kaufmann, Yolanda Keiser, Fruzsina Korondi, Silvana Liniger, Maya Mrak, Aline Peter, Dania Schellenberg, Katharina Schulik, Christian Sterchi
Museum Technician
Head of Technical Service, Registrar
Tobias Oehmichen, +41 41 226 78 80 (Mon-Thu)
Daniel Amhof, +41 41 226 78 82
Steven Tod, +41 41 226 78 81
Technicians Exhibitions
Christian Aregger, Tobias Bühlmann, Tatjana Erpen, Raphael Muntwyler, Benedikt Notter, Janosch Perler, Anita Zumbühl